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Death of Abu Zar Ghiffari in the heart of the desert.


Death of Abu Zar Ghiffari in the heart of the desert.

Death of Hazrat Abu Zar Ghiffari (may Allah be pleased with him)

 AH. Abu Jarr Ghiffari was present at the time of his death. He and his wife are alone in the desert. Rabah was a place where people usually did not move at all, at a time when no trade caravan was traveling. Seeing the condition of the dying Abu Jarr Ghiffari, his wife became desperate for help. Seeing this condition of his wife, Abu Jarr Ghiffari said:

: Don't worry, I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, he said; One of you will die here in the desert. But a group of believers will be there at the time of his death. I'm sure that's me because all of us who were there that day have died. Only I am left. You keep an eye on the path. Surely the Messenger of Allah did not lie. " 

Abu Jarr Ghiffari (may Allah be pleased with him) breathed his last in a short while. Abu Jarr Ghiffari, may Allah be pleased with him, once climbed a high hill near her husband and looked away. He became restless at the thought of who would come at this inopportune time. Finally, in the distance, I saw a group of people coming here with a dust storm. 

When the caravan came, Abu Jarr saw Ghiffari (may Allah be pleased with him) helpless and asked;

: Who is this man? 

His wife replied;

: This is Abu Jarr. ”

 People said;

: Abu Jarr, the Companion of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam? ”

His wife said;

 : Yes. ” 

The people became very restless and said;

"Let our lives be sacrificed." 

They quickly completed the janaza and burial of Abu Jarr Ghiffari (may Allah be pleased with him). The eminent Companion Abdullah bin Masood Ghiffari (may Allah be pleased with him) led his funeral prayer.

Thus Abu Jarr Ghiffari (may Allah be pleased with him) has lived his life since his conversion to Islam, only through obedience to Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). 

The man who one day was the name of terror and terror in the Wadan (his birthplace) valley is the man who one day left an example of greed and worldliness. 

This is how Allah (SWT) changed his heart through faith. He loved Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam so much that whenever he thought of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam after his death, he would weep uncontrollably. 

Surprisingly, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about this mighty man, 

"There is no one more faithful and truthful under the sky and on earth than Abu Jarr."

Ah! That is to say, love for Allah and His Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. If one can live with such love, then his goal is to gain eternal wealth in the Hereafter by kicking the wealth of this world.

Income Rabb Kareem, raise the door of Abu Jarr Ghiffari Radhiyallahu Ta'ala Anhu crores of times. And let the flow of love flow in our hearts as He has loved you and your Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).



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